We are here to help

Call or email today and we'll explain to you everything you need to know to get your entity started.  We'll go over the differences between corporations and LLCs as well as what tax benefits the different entities provide.

Tools for desicion making

Not sure what type of enitty to choose, give us a call today and we'll hlep you out.  You can talk to a CPA if necessary to get the best advice possible.


Learn about different types of entities and help chose the one that works best for you.


View the filing fees for every state.  Prices vary based on states and entity types.


View state requirements for every state.  You must follow these requirements based on your state in order to keep your company in good standing.


Most states will have entities filed within 2 weeks.  Click on the link to see the exact times for your state. In some instances expedited processing is also available and can speed up the processing to the same day.  If you need your entity right away signup and fill out all the information to get the company started.  Once everything is filled out give us a call and we'll get you expedited. 


Which state is better for technology startups?

Cras semper neque nisi, vel tincidunt tortor condimentum ac. Cras id mi eu arcu vulputate interdum.

Vestibulum vehicula convallis leo. Etiam suscipit elit justo, vel imperdiet sapien hendrerit eu. Quisque a ornare mi.

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How do I know which entity is right for me?

Suspendisse euismod lobortis urna, quis dapibus felis eleifend ut. Aliquam vitae ante quis odio pretium hendrerit. Nulla sollicitudin vehicula augue sed dapibus. Nunc vitae vestibulum quam, maximus rhoncus tellus. Nunc non aliquet nisl, luctus bibendum tortor.

Proin et lobortis leo, sit amet luctus orci. Quisque placerat massa justo, eu gravida massa cursus eu. Etiam posuere, ex sed sodales porta, felis ante venenatis nulla, in aliquet felis nulla eu turpis.

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Which state is better for technology startups?

Cras semper neque nisi, vel tincidunt tortor condimentum ac. Cras id mi eu arcu vulputate interdum.

Vestibulum vehicula convallis leo. Etiam suscipit elit justo, vel imperdiet sapien hendrerit eu. Quisque a ornare mi.

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Miami, FL

+1 (555) 444-5684

Phone support available Monday - Friday from 9am to 6pm CST